Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dangerous searches - June 20, 2007

Hi folks,

I'd stopped tracking this stuff because I thought no one cared, but emails I've had off-list have convinced me otherwise. I think it's _really_ interesting to see what innocent searches can get you into trouble, and we're happy to share. I've also had the question off-list "Does this mean you track all your user's queries?" to which the answer is "Heck no!", but we do track the queries that result in exploit attempts. This is what we _do_. We couldn't care less who _you_ are and what queries _you_ make, but we sure want to know who tries to bite you! This is our job!

Here are the most interesting dangerous searches for the last few days...

"go karts" - wrong selection gets an MDAC exploit

almost any national park in the southwest is still dangerous, rattlesnakes not withstanding

"texas tea slots online" - wrong selection gets an MDAC

"insurance australia" - clearly that's dangerous ;-) ... the wrong result looks to be just an Orphaned Lure, but you can never be sure about Orphans.

"cannot find server" - clearly _that's_ dangerous! ... wrong selection gets a WebAttacker/ Mpack.

"top wallpapers" gets an MDAC

"free lottery" gets an Orphaned Lure

As someone famous once said "There's a million of them"

Of course, there are also _lots_ of Italian references which we don't understand, but which are hitting WebAttacker/ Mpacks.




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